Eamonn OGrady

Eamonn OGrady

Grass is one of the cheapest sources of feed for animals. For this reason, it is essential to utilise the crop from sowing to harvesting. Kehoe Farming are involved in the production of grass all year round from reseeding to harvesting, and fertilising to zero grazing. Our direct-drilling and stitch-in sowing means no ploughing or cultivation is required reducing the occurrence of compaction, Grazing can be resumed after a short period of time, maximising your grasses potential. Eamonn plays a major role in the harvesting of grass at Kehoe Farming. With precise harvesting techniques for silage, haylage and hay you can assured you will have a reliable forage for your animals this winter. Baling and wrapping is done by either of our Krone or Kuhn combi balers. Our Keltec is then on hand for bale haulage. Our 721 Case Loader is always on hand for stacking bales. Zero grazing is done by Kehoe Farming all year round, especially in Spring and Autumn when grass yields are poorer.

The haylage and hay produced by Kehoe Farming is available for sale from our yard in bales and small, easy to handle 75lt bags.
