Kehoe Farming.

FibreGold feed & KosiBed animal bedding products are now available to buy online.

Haylage - Animal Feed - Bedding

FibreGold feed & KosiBed animal bedding products are now available to buy online.

Kehoe Farming produces a range of fibre based feeds,haylage and animal bedding products. Grown on our farm in the heart of some of the most fertile and naturally productive land in Ireland, our products help you to maintain a quality high roughage, natural diet and clean, dust free environment for your animals whatever the season.

FibreGold Haylage, Horse Feed & Forage

We place a strong emphasis on the quality and consistency of the horse and pony feeds that we produce for our customers. Our haylage or horsehage feeds are grown naturally and ensiled at the optimum stage in the drying process, ensuring a consistent pathogen free product to feed to your animals.

Kehoe’s FibreGold Haylage is made from dust and pathogen free ingredients and is the perfect equine feed supplement where you need to add roughage to your horses diet to avoid digestive problems. Whatever your horse’s nutritional needs, whether you own a racehorse or a child’s pony, FibreGold feed offers consistent quality.

KosiBed Dust Free Horse & Animal Bedding

The quality of the environment that your animals are housed in is critical to their overall health and performance. Kehoe Farming’s animal & equine bedding products are second to none, delivering a healthy dust free environment for your animals.

In the stable a single bag of Kosibed horse bedding goes a long way. You can be sure, unlike when using shavings or sawdust bedding, that you are providing your horse with a healthy dust free bedding environment to enjoy.

KosiBed is also suitable for poultry and your small pets

Farm and Equine Products

Featured products, full range in the online shop.

FibreGold Cool Horse Mix

FibreGold Cool Horse Mix is a 9% protein mix, made without oats. The ration is designed for light to medium work horses. Formulated with proteins and minerals to ensure you receive a top performance from your horse


  • Crude protein of 9%
  • Designed to be palatable for horse to give optimal performance
  • Highly digestible with flaked ingredients
  • Allows a steady energy …

KosiBed Wheat

Kosibed Wheat, a very soft traditional bed, that is naturally strong and warm. It is a convenient alternative to traditional horse bedding materials e.g. wood shavings

Why use KosiBed Wheat:

  • Our straw is grown especially for KosiBed; therefore, quality is guaranteed.
  • Dust extracted, reducing breathing problems in horses.
  • Offers cosy, comfortable bedding for your livestock.
  • Rivals sawdust in absorbency.
  • Creates a hygienic, …

FibreGold Dairy Nuts

Our FibreGold Dairy Nuts are a pellet designed for dairy high yield dairy cows. Developed to increase yield, protein and butterfat in lactating cows at grass.

FibreGold Beef 14%

FibreGold Beef 14% is a general-purpose beef ration. The mix is designed to be fed alongside forage. FibreGold Beef 14% is often fed to compliment low protein levels in silage or grass shortages during the summer.

Why use FibreGold Beef 14%:

  • Crude Protein of 14%
  • Designed to promote growth and performance in young stock
  • Suitable for feeding at grass or as …

Who We Are

From the past to the future "A tradition of Excellence"
farming heritage Martin Kehoe ploughman

Who We Are

A Tradition of Excellence

Kehoe Farming brings a Tradition of Excellence to all aspects of their business, including animal feed and bedding. We lead in the fields, others follow.

farming heritage 3 harvester

What We Do

Manufacturing & Adding Value

Kehoe Farming currently produce KosiBed animal bedding and FibreGold feed products.

Martin Kehoe jnr

Farm Safety

Safety on the Farm

Farms can be dangerous places, different from any other workplace. It is also a home where children, working adults and elderly all live together.

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